We’ve recently made a number of improvements to make Grepsr for Chrome that little bit easier, and more handy to use. We’ve also received tons of feature requests (keep ’em coming!), so we thought we’d share couple of our favorites that have most recently made it into Grepsr for Chrome.
Infinite Scrolling and Enhanced Pagination Support
From the start we’ve given users the ability to scrape the detail they want to gather from paginated URLs with the pagination element selected by clicking on the ‘Next’ page link. We’ve now upgraded the pagination element to handle websites with enhanced pagination such as infinite scrolling and load/view/show more buttons.
If you haven’t already noticed, there are now three options to choose from in the pagination selection bar.
For enhanced pagination, you need to click ‘Yes, has a “load more” button’, then navigate the page and select the “Load more” link on the web page, as shown in the GIF below.
Handling Authentication / Fetch Data from Behind a Login
Another super common request was the ability to scrape data from websites which require login, and even scrape data/content from authenticated state.
Now you can authorize Grepsr, and do just that!
There are lots of new features we’re thinking about next, and we’d love your input. Give us a shout if you have any ideas, or requests. We’re at support@grepsr.com.