Trusted by some of the leading enterprises across the world
High-quality web data at scale
The popular adage “Garbage In, Garbage Out” in computer science refers to the concept that erroneous data input produces erroneous output. Grepsr’s Data-as-a-Service offering is a fully managed data solution for high-quality web data at scale. Scaling quality equates to scaling our customers’ trust.
Keeping customers front and center
Right from the get go, our account managers liaise closely with our customer teams to ensure all the data requirements are thoroughly captured and handed over to our data team. Next, we apply an iterative three step approach to 1) instrument crawlers, 2) validate sample output, and 3) ramp up production. Keeping customers front and center allows us to vet results, add quality checks, and quickly pivot when business goals evolve.
Measure what matters
Over the years, we’ve developed a solid grasp of what factors influence quality. Our platform automatically measures quality metrics for each new dataset and compares them against expected values.
System reliability
Reliability and availability measures whether the system performs as intended. Operational dashboards to monitor system status
Extraction errors
Errors can occur when the source system does not respond successfully. Measure failure rates to detect anomalies.
Data completeness
Completeness measures data availability and density. Measure the latest result against historical averages.
Measures how accurately extracted data represents the source. Schema definition to validate output against acceptable formats.
Records processed per day99%
Data reliability60+
Dedicated specialist team size10+
Years' experienceHumans in the loop
Depending on customers’ needs and SLAs, we add a manual layer to your quality workflow, which includes:
- Manual checks on randomized samples via an experienced QA team. Cadence and sampling requirements are set per customer specifications.
- Custom reporting to keep an eye on specific metrics and ratios relevant to the use-case.
Large scale data management platform
Make data-driven decisions with confidence. Extract high-quality data at scale, and generate consequential insights.
Data Infrastructure
Designed for high volume web data
Advanced data infrastructure to handle millions of pages every hour. Round-the-clock IP rotation and auto throttling to avoid detection, and prevent harm.
Data InfrastructureQuality at Scale
Designed to deliver data for immediate deployment
A veritable mixture of people, processes, and technology to ensure high quality in any given dataset. Robust QA checks and balances to detect data issues.
Quality ManagementTeam Collaboration
Designed to ensure seamless flow of information
A dedicated private channel to keep you and your team in the loop. Prompt communication of change requests and updates to instrument crawlers when needed.
Team CollaborationIntegration & Automation
Designed to automate data acquisition
An intelligent platform to set up custom schedules and automate routine extractions to run like clockwork. Flawless integration with popular platforms.
Data IntegrationOffload your routine data extraction tasks with Grepsr
Get high-priority web data for your business, when you want it.